Unraid macvlan 2/24 dev mac0. unraid在命令行模式下创建docker macvlan网络重启后消失怎么破,为了给不同的容器指定不同的旁路由网关和dns创建了macvlan网络,创建后可以把容器可以正常使用,但是在设置中把docker禁用一下再启用macvlan网络就会消失不见,这种情况怎么回事呢,该怎么保持macvlan网络始终都在。 This macvlan issue has been like that for a long time, for some users it started with v6. You can post now and register later. 10 or something Edited January 22 by NewDisplayName. Ich würde mir hoffen das jemand mir helfen kann bei meinem Problem. Not all containers moved over from eth0 to br0. 4 关于失联问题的解决办法以及相关更新说明 在 Docker 设置中,将自定义网络类型由 Macvlan 修改为 Ipvlan。 unRAID 6. 10 rc7」版本。简单体验了一下,本文就简单带大家看一下那些 「用户能很容易感知到的」功能以及对我有影响的功能。部分个人用不到的不在此说明,纯属个人理解,有错误还请 If you are getting call traces related to macvlan, as a first step we recommend navigating to Settings > Docker, switch to advanced view, and change the "Docker custom network type" from macvlan to ipvlan. 10. 10:32400 (same IP as my unRaid Server on onboard eth0), which my secure workstation and gaming pc can Unraid sagt soll Unifi richten und anders rum. unraid. Moderators; 21. I use the same config file, but it seems like Traefik on UnRaid is not "seeing" my containers. Members; 1. Solved version = The issue has been resolved in the indicated release version. Ich habe selbst jetzt etliche Stunden gebraucht, um es funktionsfähig zu bekommen. When I read about it, one reason to not switch to ipvlan, is because "reduced functionality with advanced network management (ubiquity)". It is actually bridged to both eth0 The 6. 12 版本之前也或多或少有出现,因为这个问题跟特定的硬件(比如说路由器)和系统软件层面有关,有时候影响不大,但有时候影响大了就会出现这里所说的"失联”问题。本片文章将给大家介绍此问题 I've rebooted a couple of times since for various reasons, then in reviewing my FCP scan this morning it is still reporting DOZENS of macvlan call trace warnings - and I'm not running macvlan. Dabei läuft nur eine VM und ein Docker mit jeweils eigener IP-Adresse die auch korrekt in der Fritzbox angezeigt werden. 0 Stable. However, the Docker container is only reachable (through IPv6) from my local network, not fr MacVLAN vs IPvlan . This is the default configuration that Unraid has Hi there, after upgrading to version 6. June 11, 2023 同时,我也比较赞同引起macvlan错误导致整个unraid奔溃死机的原因 ,可能是因为bridge桥接的问题 If you are getting call traces related to macvlan, as a first step we recommend navigating to Settings > Docker, switch to advanced view, and change the "Docker custom network type" from macvlan to ipvlan. Jump to content. Changes vs. Bei macvlan bekomme ich doppelte Adressen in der Fritzbox. 6 and was told to change the "Docker custom network type:" to ipvlan before updating. Quote Dec 18 08:37:52 MU-TH-UR kernel: BUG: unable to handle page fault for address: fffff8ee2e3a9888 [ 6110. 4 makes it a lot easier to user custom (macvlan) networks. network was configuration for one of my containers in portainer as part of the mac vlan driver, what I was trying to demonstrate with above is that using the mac vlan driver you can specify what IP address to give your container (Similar to what we have in unraid) this means any time you deploy your container it will always have the 最近,入正了 Unraid,升级了最新的 「6. Ich habe Container im Bridge und Container im BR0 (macvlan) laufen. It seemed to start doing that when I changed my custom network type from macvlan to Ich weiss allerdings nicht wie ich das bei Unraid angeben soll. Edited January 12 by IPMan 给unraid下macvlan的容器启用ipv6。 网上的教程基本都是给macvlan使用路由器上获取到运营商的ipv6公网网段。这种方法的坏处是路由器重启后,需要重新设置macvlan的网段,使用起来很不方便。 本文也主要是在macvlan创建时选择的ipv6网段上进行修改。 思路: I found this out because I was attempting to debug the "macvlan" Call Trace issue when we have custom IP's assigned to Docker Containers. Followers 2. I initially started using the on-board nic as well as my quad nic card as I thought the issue might be my nic card going out. Dazu ist dann aber ein wenig was zu beachten (siehe Release-Notes zu Unraid 6. This article describes the difference between ipvlan and macvlan drivers: Macvlan vs Ipvlan. 3 Now Available. I have a setup of a few containers and swag that are set to br01 and have the extra parameter "--sysctl net. 9 supports IPv6 for custom (macvlan) networks only. MACVLan vs IPVLan a discussion. View More. 5 auf 12. THX Quote; Ford Prefect. Instead, use macvlan. i also tested all scenarios with ipv4 only etc etc etc also setted up locally an "old" mashien with unraid parallel and can confirm, as soon i There seems to be a bug in unraid - it seems like it deleted all of the docker macvlan networks when I switched from macvlan to ipvlan (via settings menu). As a general rule, IPvlan should be used in scenarios where some switches restrict the maximum number of mac addresses per physical port because of the port security setup. Call traces and crashes related to macvlan If you are getting call traces related to macvlan (or any unexplained crashes, really), as a first step, we recommend navigating to Settings > Docker, switching to advanced view, and changing the Docker custom network type from macvlan to ipvlan. 1 I got the message from "Fix Common Problems" to change from macvlan to ipvlan. docker设置,将保留用户定义网络:选择是 2. Unraid OS 6 Support ; General Support ; macvlan warning/hardware errors detected macvlan warning/hardware errors detected. 12 Upon reboot, unRAID briefly came online (web GUI and all) and then completely crashed. Unraid OS Version 6. Is this something to worry about? How do I fix it? jarvis-diagnostics-20230303-0652. 0-RC4 "MACVLAN CALL TRACES FOUND", BUT NOT ON <=6. As for the issue with Docker host access shim failing, well, it should be discussed on a different thread as this one was just asking about access to containers Bridge network mode uses the Unraids Default 172. --- EDIT --- I did "docker network ls" from the command line and I get this back. 日志里面有大量的 macvlan call trace 报错,这个问题可以通过以下方式尝试去解决: 由于你使用的是 6. Schalte ich in den Docker Einstellungen Access to Custom Network ein, Habe ich in der FritzBox den Unraid Server doppelt oder Container Doppelt. X for context. But more to do with host network access. New - DARK - Invision (Default) New - LIGHT Call traces related to macvlan If you are getting call traces related to macvlan, as a first step we'd recommend navigating to Settings > Docker, switching to advanced view, and changing the Docker custom network type from macvlan to ipvlan. x docker开了macvlan模式和允许主机访问自定义网络 通过ipv4 容器和宿主互访是没问题的 路由表里也有 192. 52. 0, 6. Also for reports we cannot reproduce or need more information. x with hard crashes and corrupt files (like docker. its uses eth0 similar to a switch port over the same interfaces. 105. Please refer also to the 6. in doing this as the default was macvlan. Unraid OS. 9 eara before docker network of ipvlan vs macvlan, unraid used macvlan for the default network communication. I am leaving Shinobi disabled to see if unRAID stays up longer. Ford Prefect. 4 版本,你可以通过关闭网络设置中的桥接功能来解决,具体细节请参考:6. Using the macvlan driver is sometimes the best choice when dealing with legacy applications that expect to be directly connected to the physical The 6. 534629] Modules linked in: ccp macvlan nfsv3 nfs nfs_ssc veth xt_nat iptable_filter This is the process: step 1: Connect a monitor to see boot process of unraid and get ip at boot. Probably a dumb question (and I'm about to read through the thread again) but do I set up the VLAN in unRAID? Or on my router? If you want to do DHCP with docker containers, the VLAN from the unRAID/docker side needs it own IP address range. Quote; itimpi. Note that apart from these kernel errors For Unraid version 6. 3 there is every day got Some have zero issue with macvlan on br0 and others have issues while running the same version of Unraid. I've just recently needed to switch from macvlan to ipvlan as my sever started kernel panicking after adding some new hardware (nvme+ram). menu. 3 for a long time. I saw an update that said that the macvlan stuff was fixed but I'm still getting these crashes every few days and it's annoying as I'm away from home a lot so I can't immediately fix it. Version 6. kann ich dem einen oder anderen mit meinem Weg dabei helfen Docker mit macvlan in einem separaten VLAN einzurichten. I obviously jumped the gun and "fixed" the issues myself prior to the unraid "fix" for macvlan issues. I think the recent change to fix for macvlan call traces changed how unraid create 请教一下, 我有3个容器,宿主网络 10. I do have enabled "Host access to custom networks:". for configuring the bridges / macvlans, but I don't see any options to add a new bridge, nor to set the parameters. Thank you actually i can confirm the situation like @sonic6 described, made a long testrun and the issue came ~ 6. auch auf unRAID (indirekt, siehe weiter unten) gerne damit arbeite (in weiterer Folge Zugriff per diverser subdomains per nginx proxy manager), um diverse Port-Konflikte zu vermeiden, ist meine funktionierende Lösung: unter Docker-Settings (war vorher schon so eingestellt): For Unraid version 6. If you are getting call traces related to macvlan, as a first step we recommend navigating to Settings > Docker, switch to advanced view, and change the "Docker custom It's just telling you that there is a bug in Macvlan that can affect bridge interfaces (https://docs. Members; 258 2 Share; Posted October Servus zusammen, habe Docker auf ipvlan umgestellt und unraid von 11. 10, there is a change/update to this. Ive read a lot about this before the upgrade, so I knew there was problems with call trace. This release has fixes for networking, particularly as it relates to IPv6. All ar Docker will not allow the host to talk to containers that are bridged using macvlan (default) I think 6. This is normal and how Macvaln works. 19. I'm not sure if the native /usr/sbin/ip command works on Unraid, but you can try ip add link br0. this issues cause a kernel Call traces and crashes related to macvlan If you are getting call traces related to macvlan (or any unexplained crashes, really), as a first step we recommend navigating to Settings > Docker, switching to advanced view, and changing the Docker custom network type from macvlan to ipvlan. the new Custom bridge whether to use macvlan or bridge. Fix common problems is reporting macvlan call traces found error!! Thought this had been fixed?? tower-diagnostics-20230924-1647. x) and I also have a Unifi LAN infrastructure. I started working on the proposed solutions when I saw the macvlan errors and hit this forum. YMMV. hi,独独独心,根据你的描述,我建议你吧unraid服务器的mtu设置从9000改为为1500,服务器端mtu过大会造成问题。 可以在设置-docker设置。把macvlan改为ipvlan即可。(更改为ipvlan的影响是,docker的mac会和宿主机一样。路由上有些依赖mac的功能可能会失效) v4内网网段192. BTW thanks for helping us out. 13 hours ago, batesman73 said: Wenn ich das richtig gelesen habe sollte das wohl per MacVlan klappen. Closed = Feedback or opinion better posted on our forum for discussion. There is a problem with the network config when in-place upgrading since version 6. your docker is asigned a 172. 6 and so on, I have been using unraid for a long time macvlan issues come and go with different versions, so for me is hard to believe that the problem is only with the kernel and the kernel developers fix Unraid OS 6 Support ; General Support ; MACVLan vs IPVLan a discussion. 9. Go to solution Solved by JorgeB, January 30. x zutun, viel mehr mit macvlan und die aggressive Verbreitung durch das Unraid Team, dass IPVLAN das Allheil-Mittel ist. Light Mode Dark Mode. I have bridging and bonding disabled. Schalte ich es aus, kann Nginx Proxy unRAID macvlan 失联问题解析(以及如何给Docker分配独立网口) 新手教程:将 Docker 的自定义网络绑定到第二个网口 按照上面的教程走了一遍,docker内找不到ETH1, 也就是文中说的 eth1和eth0都在同网段了10. But as noted above, I now have no way to try to move from macvlan to ipvlan It did seem peculiar that there is an expectation it is inherited from an older unraid, yet I had it out of the blue and with no major changes to my dockers. 117. All users are encouraged to upgrade. I though you meant Unraid docker configuration, for that best bet is to ask for help in the existing container support thread/discord, you can find it by clicking on support: BreakfastPurrito Posted January 25 Call traces and crashes related to macvlan If you are getting call traces related to macvlan (or any unexplained crashes, really), as a first step we recommend navigating to Settings > Docker, switching to advanced view, and changing the Docker custom network type from macvlan to ipvlan. 4 is now available and has a fix for macvlan call traces, introduces a new System Drivers page, has new security updates and other bug fixes. Posted September 2, 2023. 1, 6. Subscribe. I just don't understand how setting up another ethernet port (I have 4 NICs on my R710) can still use macvlan and still work. Meanwhile my very similar Unraid server with the same model quad nic and pretty similar network setup (on a 10th gen Intel vs the 11th gen on this one Fix for macvlan call traces! This is the default configuration that Unraid has shipped with since version 6. However, some users have reported issues with port forwarding from certain routers (Fritzbox) and reduced functionality with advanced network management tools (Ubiquity) when in ipvlan mode. 4 upgrade and docker compose is just a way to control and deploy containers. x dhcp server and creates a switch port bridge to communicate via sharing your unraids network adapter. Also, MacVLAN needs to 起因是我发现,unraid 的docker 安装npm 想要反代的话,那么其他docker需要和npm 同一网络类型才可以。 比如npm 是用的bridge , 那么 tr 这个docker 也必须要bridge / host 。 就无法给 tr 进行反代了。。 这个时候开启主机访问自定义网络有用吗? 我看介绍这是 路由拨号,旁路由科学 配置方法也是按论坛分享的教程,附上:原帖地址 我的网络环境是unraid走旁路由,docker容器走主路由 有ipv6,就用起来主要是为qbittorrent 首先是路由上的设置: 1. 12 beta 5 - 8 (started at Feb. 4; but Unraid version 6. Und ich ärger mich über mich selbst, weil ich ein tadellos funktionierendes System geupdated habe und mich nun mit solchen Themen beschäftigen muss du musst, früher oder später mein unraid lief fast 10 jahre mit macvlan ohne abstürze, aber seit 6. Product Back Product. 4 already, and was working fine). zip Updated to 6. slimshizn. Reluctantly i switched to ipvlan and sure, it works but now I can't see the individual containers or network utilization in my router gui anymore. x address in bridge mode and how it communicates depends on unraid docker setting, ie macvlan or ipvlan. 4). b. I need some docker containers to have a fixed IP address and my Router (Fritzbox) is limited to handling clients by MAC addresses and not ClientIDs. All that said, my server is back to its usual rock solid self. I had two crashes since moving over and I believe it's due to macvlan. 重建自定义网络 Unraid 6. 5 was no Problems, when updated to 6. Please try to disable the avahi services first and stick to macvlan and see if that solves the issue When I create a Docker macvlan network, I can't get anything external working. As a result, I can now see the container-assigned IP addresses on my router, and they are accessible as expected. Dockers are Even with macvlan support, using a central DHCP management solution for all clients and hosts in your network is not possible for Dockers in unraid. I'm then assigning a static IPv4 and a static IPv6 through the "Fixed IP address" option. Decided to keep it running and the server crashed only a few hours later, and have since rolled back to 6. I modified the macvlan to ipvlan. inspectornorse. 3 to 6. Hier hilft es, wenn man das Custom-Network auf "macvlan" umstellt. 7:8080 他们之间就可以互通了 现在问题是我使用 There are other workarounds, which @bonienl mentioned - manually adding a macvlan subinterface to unRAID (ie mac0) and moving the unRAID IP address to the subinterface ip link add link br0 mac0 type macvlan ip addr flush dev br0 ip addr add 10. There has been no material change since upgrading to v6. This is the default configuration that Unraid has shipped This eliminated my macvlan/broadcast call traces. For Unraid version 6. 9 is when unraid tried to make a full stop switch to ipvlan. 11. 10rc1 allows ipvlan - which might work, so you should see if it solves the issue. Unraid OS 6 Support ; General Support ; MACVLAN call traces MACVLAN call traces. Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. 12 gings los und irgendwann musst du ja 刚玩unraid,这个机器配置了到现在大概不到2个月,就没有稳定运行超过10天,真的是超级头疼,断电重启不下20次了,感觉硬盘都快坏了,有一个M. By slimshizn October 24, 2018 in General Support. Unraid 6. There are If you are getting call traces related to macvlan, as a first step we recommend navigating to Settings > Docker, switch to advanced view, and change the "Docker custom network type" If you are getting call traces related to macvlan, as a first step we recommend navigating to Settings > Docker, switch to advanced view, and change the "Docker custom network type" from macvlan to ipvlan. I am now in the process of building a new unraid server which will have 1 x 10gig fiber card, and 4 x 1gig copper ethernet ports. New - DARK - Invision (Default) New - LIGHT - Invision . Unfortunately due to the crashes I've had a disk failure, so I'm trying to figure out the root Has macvlan anything to do with that? unraid was rock solid till 6. Edited January 30, 2018 by mifronte. >>> Updated Aug 31, 2023 to advise upgrading to Unraid 6. In unraid mixing docker macvlan with linux bridges causes "call traces" will the same happen with lxc? I know there is a workaround but I'm still interested in using bridges and not just phisical nic + macvlan I have a custom docker bridge network, that hosts most of my containers, including swag proxy. Beispielsweise ist der Unraid-Server doppelt vorhanden. ) For many, this change alone eliminates the call traces which are caused by macvlan. But my setting in the GUI is set to IPVLAN. The only differences appear to be hardware. Das ist tatsächlich auch das Problem, wovon bei Unraid auch immer wieder in Verbindung mit Fritzboxen gesprochen wird. 1 hochgezogen. I had to do a dummy change to the containers that didn't switch and then I got macvlan call trace. 12. 这段时间 6. 119 habe ich trotzdem zwei Einträge in den Netzwerkverbindungen der Fritzbox mit der selben IP-Adresse, wobei die eine MAC-Adresse weiterhin nach jedem neustart wechselt geht jedoch nur mit macvlan und nicht mit ipvlan sauber bei einer Fritzbox, das nur schonmal vorweg If you are getting call traces related to macvlan (or any unexplained crashes, really), as a first step, we'd recommend navigating to Settings > Docker, switching to advanced view, and changing the Docker custom network type from The macvlan. The problems started for me with 6. 3 2023-07-14. 是这样的大佬们,我安装了virtual-dsm ,只能用macvlan模式 想在想在群晖中挂载unraid共享的smb文件 可是macvlan模式下docker容器和宿主机没法通信 需要创建第二条macvlan做路由中转,我找了一些教程,命令在unraid这里没法运行,能帮帮我吗 on 6. Die Docker laufen auch alle mit ihren eigenen IP-Adressen, ohne Drama. 4/#fix-for-macvlan-call-traces) you may or Unraid 6. 2已经偶尔报错了。求各路大佬帮忙诊断一下原因哈。 目前是长的10天,短的不到一天,现在经常是1-3天,就会失联,路由器下面也看不到设备IP,显示器 Macvlan call traces will usually end up crashing the server, switching to ipvlan should fix it (Settings -> Docker Settings -> Docker custom network type -> ipvlan (advanced view must be enabled, top right)), then reboot. Ich hoffe das hilft dir weiter Hi, ich habe probleme mit dem Docker netzwerk. Members; 4. 5 to 6. 3k 42 Posted September 3, 2021. I mark this as "Urgent" only because system stability is really poor at the moment. step 2: make a backup of the file before deleting the file for recover Hi, i recently set up my unraid server and the first thing i installed was the tailscale plugin, before the disks have arrived and i can use the array. Posted September 3, 2021. Hello, I'm on version 6. 3 the other day and within a few minutes it had 3 macvlan trace issue notifications. 2,docker版本20. Quote; ken-ji. I try to use Traefik with UnRaid but I can not get it to work unlike in Portainer on another server. 117, vhost0, vhost0. This has happened upgrading to 6. I wonder if the reason it has popped up for us within "fix common problems" is because it was just added to the list of things it checks for? Was mir noch aufgefallen ist, das ich z. Setting a DHCP range for docker container assignment or using fixed addresses or using both is greatly simplified to set up from the GUI. With the 'Host access to custom networks' I was able to reach home assistant from Unraid and fr Hello everyone, I have a problem with all my docker that are on the network eth0 macvlan. 4-rc18 includes a fix for macvlan call traces, security patches, and a new System Drivers page that gives you visibility into the drivers available and in use on your system. Aber da habe ich eh ja bei euch gelesen, wenn man Unifi Produkte hat, das macvlan eh bessere Wahl ist. 4 rather than following this guide If you are getting call traces related to macvlan, as a first step we recommend navigating mikl. This is the default configuration that Unraid has shipped FWIW: I had had static IPs set in pfSense from when I was using MACVLAN in Unraid; once I deleted the MAC address associated with previous static IP assignment(s) this issue went away. I also have a custom macvlan network, that hosts my containers that need a unique IP, like home assistant. Das sind zwei Arten um aus dem einen physischen Netzwerkanschluss den Proper macvlan and bridge config I'm pretty new to unraid, so apologies if this is overthinking it or way off base :) Because of the 'fix common problems' plugin, I configured the 'fix' for macvlan Hallo, evtl. X" ,并且我也同样在最近2个月时间里面,不断地升级,又降级,又升级,现在最终还是回到了6. 重启docker,然后删除br0 docker network rm br0 3. 1 minute ago, NewDisplayName said: It didnt crash when i didnt parity SYNC, so it was just HOURS later after i pressed sync it crashed. A docker container gets an IPv6 address out of the subnet announce by your router on the LAN network. Example below and Diagnostics attached Aug 26 08:27:25 NAS kernel: <TASK> Aug 26 08:27:25 NAS kernel: netif_rx_ni+0x53/0x85 Aug 26 08:27:25 NAS macvlan: Macvlan networks allow you to assign a MAC address to a container, making it appear as a physical device on your network. It is more of an annoyance than kernel pain issues. Hab das also nicht so wirklich nachvollziehen können, was da so I got frustrated with trying to get it to work inside unraid and just moved the applications to another server that was running portainer. MACVLAN issues are still not fixed even following this guide. IPvlan is a new twist on the tried and true network virtualization technique. 其次是unraid上的网络设 Just updated to 6. 10 I have replaced the Docker macvlan driver for the Docker ipvlan driver. Seems to have something to do with MAC addresses. The Docker daemon routes traffic to containers by their MAC addresses. 4 last week and now FCP is sending me warnings of macvlan call traces found. Stay informed about all things Unraid by signing up for our monthly newsletter. Joly0. This is the Wer Docker einsetzt wird früher oder später schon über IPVLAN und MACVLAN gestolpert sein. 😅. This is the default configuration that Unraid has shipped with since version 6. Posted January 22. net/unraid-os/release-notes/6. Gehe ich im Windows Explorer unten bei Netzwerk auf den Unraid (DATENSERVER), erscheint obige Fehlermeldung. 2 I had to experience macvlan call traces causing my server to crash. But flipping the setting back to macvlan did not restore the networks that used to be there - which are still there in the server's network config page. Call traces and crashes related to macvlan If you are getting call traces related to macvlan (or any unexplained crashes, really), as a first step we recommend navigating to Settings > Docker, switching to advanced view, and changing the Docker custom network type from macvlan to ipvlan. 6:2001 ; B设置成了10. 2-192. g. Members; 184 Posted September 2, 2023 (edited) Ok guys, something aint Back in unraid version 6. 2k 961 Posted January 22. 6. Free Trial Buy Now. this duplication is the result of how unraid dhcp requested data on eth0 and the macvtap to the interface that is shared to the docker Hi, Just upgraded to 6. 11) isn't the right Hey All, I have issues with Kernel Panics relating to macvlan and in some cases the nvidia driver but there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason. All of the other things that were playing me have also gone. Finde leider momentan den link nicht - war irgendwas mit unRaid in Verbindung mit macvlan + Fritzbox + Unifi Hardware Habe bei den Containern The macvlan docker networks created through the GUI do not use the DHCP pool when set. ipv6 You need to use a macvlan network to have the container's ip address show up in your router's network. 2003 is indeed a public IPv6 address, and when obtained by SLAAC it stays the same after each container update/edit unless you change the MAC address of the container (which Hello everyone, when I upgraded from unRAID 6. 5 均设置为host模式 A端口2001 ,B 端口8080 , C端口2004 然后A就无法连同容器B, 使用host是因为这两个容器都需要ipv6 , bridge ipv6 太高端了,还不会 后面通过固定 IP 地址将A设置成了 10. It is certainly worth a try and easy to do. , 192. 117, eth0, eth0. By inspectornorse January 30 in General Support. 2 Networking . It takes care of the available subnets when multiple interfaces or VLANs exist and does so for both IPv4 and IPv6 addressing. The eth0 interface will carry multiple different Mac address per the services in use with macvlan. After setting any range, containers will still assign ip addresses starting with the lowest number even if that is outside of the DHCP pool range. 0/24 两个网口的 IP 地址不能同网段。 另外我自己琢磨到的解决办法。 Habe jetzt wieder auf ipvlan gestellt. 4. 1. The server has been rebooted twice. Docker tab in UNRAID showed the container as mapping to eth0 even when bridged to eth1. The Updated info is on the Unraid forum in the link above. 8. 12 got macvlan calltraces found , made changes like in tutorial (docker network on br1 briged + no host access) some days was no macvlan calltraces, now on 6. 4 release includes a fix for macvlan call traces(!) along with other features, bug fixes, and security patches. Things seem to be running ok but what I noticed was that my router shows that my host server IP is the IP of my AdGuard docker container instead of the actual unraid IP and I'm curious why. 0. I was able to keep static ip, just couldn't have previous MAC Address from MACVLAN associated it with it. 253 \ eth0 \ gluetunvpn *web ui template change to eth0 and give its own static ip simalr to unraid having a static ip Verify that GluetunVPN is working and has the static IP by Host bedeutet, es läuft auf der IP von unraid selbstwenn Du also Plugins hast oder anderer Docker auf Host, dann können diese Teile nicht mit einem Docker auf ner Bridge kommunizieren und umgekehrt. zip. So I tried a few things and as f I'm experiencing server crashes every 10-12 hours. . unraid 崩溃但是服务器本身还在运行,只是与外界断开 无法登录web和上面的任何docke,并且使用超微自带的IPMI也无法远程关机。 这个是macvlan的docker问题吗,这个不是要等docker或者kernel修复吗,可能还涉及到网卡驱动,unraid本身并不会去修复这个,另外你们 Had 0 problems with Unraid and macvlan since I began to run the system 2018. log Just upgraded one of my servers to 6. 12 版本出来之后,不少人遇到了 unRAID 失联的问题,但实际上类似的问题在 6. running on a bare server has given me the freedom to troubleshoot the issue i'm about to describe. My system stays up around 20 hours then becomes unresponsive. I want my plex docker accessible on both networks securely. My guess is, that the problem relies on the Unraid side, because I noticed it after changing to macvlan. 1 and uses 192. 10; Just to add that this is fairly typical with the macvaln issue, first you see some macvlan call traces, then there might be some more which might not look related until the server crashes, but since the first call trace is about macvaln it leaves a trace in the syslog, making it more easy to identify the root cause. I tried with 2-nic docker segmentation method for my containers (br0 → br1) but this did not help, macvlan call traces still occurred, so I downgraded back to unRAID 6. Cookies; Powered by Invision Community. 2, 6. Next to this I can ping the jail from truenas and vice versa with success. As such, apparently MACVlan was going to be removed from future versions of Unraid. I attached the logs, there are more than one crash in that file. 17-Unraid #2 I get it on different cpu number. hello, so I recently switch to using macvlan instead of ipvlan as docker network type. Komisch ist halt nur das ich von Linux auf den Unraid Server zugreifen kann. Ich weiss allerdings nicht wie ich das bei Unraid angeben soll. But on my new Unraid host, I have setup a MySQL, Redis and ElasticSearch container and none of them are showing up in the Unifi Controller at all, even with fixed IP and docker macvlan开启主机访问自定义网络,无法互相访问 docker macvlan开启主机访问自定义网络,无法互相访问 Stay informed about all things Unraid by signing up for our monthly newsletter. As far as I can tell I don't have realtek or adaptec hardware. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Theme . By aglyons December 29, 2022 in General Support. tehy weere starting to get isues with how they Handled network bridgining and how macvlan atached itself to gain access. 5 and should work for most systems. 168. 5(即使6. Es ist alles so eingestellt, wie empfohlen. Once for the 6. Nun habe ich das Problem, das verschiedene Docker zwar unterschiedliche IP-Adressen haben, aber alle die gleiche mac adresse. Aber genau hier beißt sich die Katze in den Schwan Unraid OS Version 6. 5 and should work for For Unraid version 6. img) on ssd cache (zfs). 4, for others after upgrading to v6. 7th here), i habe all logs from beggining 2021 here and never had those failures before. I did have macvlan call traces (started for me with Unraid 6. 0/25 shim-br0 192. Now I am looking for a solution to keep individual IP-addresses per The 6. Reply to this topic; So turns out, in Unraid version 6. Switching to IPVLAN has lead to Unraid stability and no crashes BUT using IPVLAN breaks port forwarding for my dockers / If you are getting call traces related to macvlan, as a first step we recommend navigating to Settings > Docker, switch to advanced view, and change the "Docker custom network type" from macvlan to ipvlan. itimpi. Let's say your router is at 192. for me, i ended up being able to install 2 docker containers before I started getting the following messages Hi all, I'm about to update from 6. The labels for my containers are set. I can access the Traefik Dashboard without any problems. I currently have a plex docker on 192. I don't remember if I was on beta3 or beta4 (it was 7) but I also turned bridging back on. Posted October 24, 2018. 6 and Ive been using macvlan since I installed unraid. nicht auf IPVLAN umstellen kann. Haven't had a warning/crash since the 这个qq群就是个代理群 我去交流还说我去闹事 我真是服了 压根不会帮你解决问题 我完全是问群友总结出来的 他们一个劲的怪我人菜怪系统 结果一问 8代的都没失联 不过目前我已经找到解决方案了 1是macvlan改ipvlan 2是上双 During research I found plenty of tutorials for docker networks but for VMs in unraid it feels like a forest the 'usual' Unraid expert just knows how to navigate. Reconfigure GluetunVPN to use the eth0 interface on Unraid's default macvlan network with a static IP (e. 5. I made a post about this issues with macvlan trace issues. ich habe Host Access aktiviert und auf macvlan umgestellt, damit hat es bereits funktioniert. Followers 13. Followers 1. ken-ji. This is the default configuration that Unraid has shipped 背景:unraid上安装了jellyfin和openwrt。openwrt作为旁路由,希望设置docker自定义网络,然后jellyfin选择自定义网络,通过旁路由上网,目的能正常刮削 环境:正版unraid6. Reply to this topic; Start new topic; Recommended Posts. This is the default configuration that Unraid has shipped 具体方法参考:unRAID macvlan 失联问题解析(以及如何给Docker分配独立网口),6. unraid broke every docker network Is it possible to block/allow ports for containers running in a vlan? I'd like to allow all devices in my local LAN to access all Docker containers running on Unraid by default, which I did by just allowing forwarding from the LAN VLAN to the Docker VLAN, but I'd still like to be able to specify which ports in a container should be accessible. I tried it and i kind of broke a couple of things. 4 update and then again to apply the network changes when I re-added my multiple network ports so I don’t believe these are remnants of prior logs. 9 and up 6. I have tried every which way of creating the macvlan, parent as br0, br0. 128/25 shim-br0 shim-br0就是unraid用来打通docker和宿主互访用的虚拟网卡 已经确定容器中的v6获取正常有效 局域网内其它机器是能访问到容器内fe80地址的 外网机器 刚入正,下载BT资源的时候发现网速不稳定,经常几十M掉到0,然后又慢慢开始提速,有几率失联,查阅资料,猜测是macvlan导致的,但是改成ipvlan或者macvlan+不桥接后,还是有这种现象。通过iperf3和直连的软路由进行测试,发现正反向的测试均不稳,会突然卡住,然后尝试几次可能就失联了,通过拔 Schon beim ersten unRAID Update, als das Thema zum ersten Mal angesprochen wurde, habe ich empfohlene Schritte umgesetzt und gerade nochmal nachgeprüft. 4 now after being on 6. In this case just add a comment and we will review it again. 12 Keep up the good work unraid team! Quote; Joly0. Solved = The issue has been resolved. But, I see that even in v6. 5, both IPVLan and MACVlan are still an option. 12 from 6. 4- rc19 includes one more set That's odd, everything works fine before 6. VG Marhal To work around my original issue, I manually created a vlan_bridge0 interface, and this allowed my Unraid host to communicate with the Docker macvlan network. 2k Call traces and crashes related to macvlan If you are getting call traces related to macvlan (or any unexplained crashes, really), as a first step we recommend navigating to Settings > Docker, switching to advanced view, and changing the Docker custom network type from macvlan to ipvlan. (Edit to add: I don't have any VMs running, unlike in the above bug report, and "Fix common problems" doesn't show anything except a warning about syslog being mirrored to flash. because changing hardware for unraid with the knowleg of (it worked on 6. Reply reply BreathEasy5291 Ändere ich die Adresszuweisung in Unraid auf Statisch auf die x. sorry my english is not good , 非常赞同你的观点,我看过你的帖子"6. Run this on your docker host to create a macvlan range that doesn't overlap with the dhcp range (edit this command for your network and hardware, "parent" should be whatever the I have managed to get this to work for some of my containers by setting docker on macvlan on my one Unraid server (has a pihole and some other containers that seem to show up). ATM as this has but worked on in the past. 5 and noticed I was getting repeating kernel macvlan errors reported in syslog so changed docker network type to ipvlan as recommended. Das hat nichts mit 6. Starting fresh really did help and I am glad I did it. NETWORK ID NAME DRIVER SCOPE c09454c9248f br0 macvlan local 838447d880bf bridge bridge local dbcc6f485253 host host local 9dfb19da0e21 none null local --- EDIT 2 --- I lo Muss sagen ich hab auch ne Fritz!Box 7590AX alles auf macvlan und bis heute keine Probleme mit Unraid bemerkt. If i try to ping/reach the host ip, it will fail. x. With docker macvlan solution, pipework is technically deprecated (and is a rather convoluted solution mind you) That said, the macvlan solution has a security feature that is a bit annoying if you only have one NIC on your unRAID machine and no VLAN capable switch/router, as it will prevent your containers from talking to unRAID I'm running Unraid 6. My docker is running ipvlan, not macvlan (it was set to that in 6. Concerns are had when a "zombie" like process happens that calls a trace for the log I don't know what broken in between upgrades, but there still seems to be a problem with macvlan I have tried t If you are getting call traces related to macvlan, as a first step we recommend navigating to Settings > Docker, switch to advanced view, and change the "Docker custom network type" from macvlan to ipvlan. I am running unraid 6. if 'Host access to custom networks' is Enabled while using ipvlan the server functions normally in terms of routing, reaching the internet, etc, and the routing table is all good: Unraid 6. An operating system for network-attached storage that lets you use what you have to build the server you want. I stopped docker service and change as recommended + restarted docker service. Originally custom networks are created using the macvlan mode, and this mode is kept when upgrading to version 6. Das Problem: Unifi unterscheidet anhand der mac die unterschiedlichen Geräte. thanks for all the efforts in developing it. Unraid deves decided to move to ipvaln to fix other issues. 5 i5-8600T 步骤: 1. 5仍然有可能带来不稳定的因素) , 同时,我也比较赞同引起macvlan错误导致整个unraid奔溃死机的原因 Background: since I started running unraid 3 years ago, I access VMs via Microsoft RDP and access my unraid docker services from that VM over RDP Summary: Containers can't be accessed by VMs with VM set to vhost0, but VMs can access services running on other VMs VMs can't be access by RDP (MS RDP Join the conversation. So the way to go is macvlan. 253): docker network connect \ --ip=192. CPU: 6 PID: 7600 Comm: kworker/6:0 Tainted: P O 5. 2, with my Docker containers in macvlan mode and with "Network Type" set to "Custom: br0". 4 changed things for macvlan. BLUF: I am running two separated networks in my home (1 secure and 1 vlan for IoT devices). 4 关于失联问题的解决办法以及相关更新说明。 单网口,所以按照“将 docker 自定义网络类型由 macvlan 改为 ipvlan”方法调整了,没用,还是3天左右失联,ssh也连不上,只能按reset重启 My docker runs in the same (separate, different from the host, macvlan) VLAN as the AP's else i wouldn't be able to access them. Ich kann die Diagnose und Fehlerbehebung ausführen, laut Windows liegt das am Server, nicht an Windows. 5, then v6. Somehow unRAID must pass the VLAN's DNS server to Docker if the container is using the VLAN interface. Posted January 30, 2018. Habe dann aber doch noch deinen Hinweis Nachdem ich auf der Synology mit macvlan bzw. Aber genau hier beißt sich die Katze in den Schwanz, primär wir DACH User (oder sogar nur wie DE User) haben in Summe viele AVM Fritzboxen im Einsatz, die IPVLAN Technisch einfach nicht unterstützen. 2. syslog-10. Thanks for the info @Hoopster. To me, having custom IP's (Custom br0) is a requirement so I can implement Status Definitions Open = Under consideration. 10 address 00:25:90:xx:xx:xx to If you are getting call traces related to macvlan, as a first step we recommend navigating to Settings > Docker, switch to advanced view, and change the "Docker custom network type" from macvlan to ipvlan. Container created by 'docker run' command with br0 or the0 network should facing the same problem (ie containers failed to start because network id changing). Some posts refer to the network setting page. 150 as the dhcp range. and move off macvlan. bod kky fzrhb hia meqgg psiz xngvki aesrc smls skkrogs