Portland nursery plants for sale Figs are not only a sweet, delicious summer treat, they are easy to grow and their beautiful foliage and form add a tropical look to the garden. Plant Habit: Medium-tall Growth Habit: Upright slightly spreading Stem Length: Portland Nursery on Stark Phone: 503. Weeping Willow with stout upright branching structure and side-branches that hang to the ground. Al's of Gresham The plants featured are highlighted favorites, but they do not represent ALL of the plants we carry. writing. When in pots, plants produce one, long lasting flower per plant. Silver Vase Plant at Portland Nursery. 9000 9000 SE Division Camellia 'Pink Icicle'. Salix babylonica: Babylon Weeping Willow. One of the most beautiful sights in our woods and forests has got to be the native Vine Maple, Acer circinatum. If you shop a few times throughout the seasons, you’ll see different plants blooming at different times. 9000 9000 SE Division Portland Nursery on Stark Phone: 503. Typically a multi-stemmed large shrub with telltale maple leaves and elegant tiered branching, it is often found along waterways, gracefully reaching its branches out over the water, or in the fall providing a soft yellow glow in the dappled light beneath towering conifers. Lavender blue flowers on 3-4 foot tall x 2 foot wide plants, blooms July-Sept. 9000 SE Division, 97266 Delosperma nubigenum. If your plants have worrisome symptoms, please bring samples into Portland Nursery for diagnosis, or follow this link to the Oregon State Extension Service for further research. Outdoors: Some cool season edible crops can be direct seeded in the garden before the average last frost date in Portland (April 15). Facts: Pennisetum. Columnar trees and shrubs. Native to the Pacific Northwest – Fragrant needles are arranged in rows on opposite sides of the branch, resembling the tines of a comb – New growth is bright lime green, dotting the tree with soft green tips – Grand fir grows about 12” per year, and can grow very large given time. Our team can answer questions about the appropriate bamboo for your intended use and offer additional resources for bamboo care and maintenance. Firecracker - Lovely red and gold, 4-5” flowers with a brown center. 9000 Perovskia atriplicifolia. Long spikes of whorled flowers that range in color from white, orange, pink, mauve, and purple set against green to gray-green aromatic foliage are spectacularly attractive to hummingbirds and other beneficial garden insects. The Winter Jewels Series covers the whole spectrum of floral color and form: singles, doubles, anemone-flowered, speckled, picoteed, veined, and nearly every color and combination of colors imaginable. It is highly useful as both a nectar plant for adult butterflies and as a food source for the growing caterpillars. Fall & Winter Hours: 9am - 6pm Daily SPECIAL HOURS: January 8 • 9am - 5pm The plant generously provides so many flowers, that bees have a full-time job collecting pollen from just one plant. Originating from the Siskiyou Mountains in southwestern Oregon and south into the north coast ranges of California, it makes up the vast majority of Lewisias available for sale, its hardiness and ease of cultivation and hybridization make it a favorite of plant enthusiasts of all sorts, and this Lewisia can be an easily successful specimen in gardens well beyond its native Nursery visits are by appointment. Penstemon. Facts: Epimedium. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Allow them to be mostly dry. Hibiscus in summer. 5050 Pay for Plants If you have coordinated with Ivy and need to make a plant purchase from the nursery, please click the button and fill out the pricing. 7’/year. On older plants, pruning encourages larger fruit and facilitates air circulation, which prevents disease. Care: Walnuts thrive in full sun and deep, well-drained soil. Pretty pink peony-form flowers from December to February. They provide a fast seasonal screen and decorative flowers. Part Sun plants are those that like to have at least 4 hours direct midday to afternoon sun. One of the hardiest species, short leaves form rosettes and become red-tinted in sun. There is a northwest native Penstemon for every garden. Limiting summer water for plants growing in the ground (opposed to container-grown plants) & limiting fertilizer will help. Here at Portland Nursery we are very excited to be able to offer the unique series created by the O'Byrnes. They’re among the easiest orchids to grow indoors, reliably producing flower spikes covered with up to 30 blossoms, each 2-5 inches across and lasting 8 weeks or more. $4,080. They are wonderful additions to borders and lawns (use a bulb planter if you want to create a stunning springtime display and still keep your grass nice). Grows 1. Plus we've renovated our family's historic farmhouse into a cafe serving scratch made farm-to table food and pastries. Shopping at Stark. At Portland Nursery we provide the highest quality plants and gardening products. We have plenty of eligible trees available! Plant before April 30 to be eligible, and get them in the ground duing the best planting time! We have native seeds for sale, fall is perfect for planting! Individual Cymbidium Orchid at Portland Nursery. Portland Nursery on Stark Phone: 503 Portland Nursery’s Apple Tasting Event is a wonderful place to sample lesser-known apple varieties and get an idea of the types of apple trees you would like to grow. Most commonly found available with other fall color plants such as mums. saving. Semi-evergreen with blush white flowers May to July. Some say 'blue shing', not blushing, which does seem to have the sound of its native Taiwan, but the color and number of spots (so many that they merge together in to intricate patterns!) on the flowers of this variety do make it look rather like it’s blushing. Leaves can burn when plants are grown in containers, so extra water or afternoon shade may discourage this from happening. This species is very hardy and a good garden plant once established. Exceptions or special requirements are noted. 5050 5050 SE Crop rotation is the practice of alternating crops of specific vegetable families to different areas of the garden from year to year. Our online store ships plants across the United States to bring plants directly to your door. Any plant on the stock list is available as a rooted cutting. With a little planning, you can design a garden with four seasons of flowers. Download the list: Columnar Plants. Some of the plants we root are rhododendron cuttings, deciduous azaleas, and vireyas. An ideal time to prune is in early spring (February or March) when bushes are still dormant. Conifers do not stop growing after 10 years, but will slow over time. General garden cleanliness, proper spacing of plants to ensure good air circulation, and watering at the base of the plant rather than the foliage all will help mitigate disease issues. Always know what's happening at Portland Nursery. 'Pink Icicle' is more cold tolerant than most Camellias. Flowers bloom in June, after leaves have grown in. 18-24" tall and wide. If planted too shallow the plant will not have enough soil contact for adequate rooting or for proper water absorption. Portland Nursery on Stark Phone Honeyberry Bushes at Portland Nursery and Garden Center for Lake Oswego, Gresham, Portland and the surrounding area. 9000 Plants are available in a wide range of mature sizes, from dwarf forms maturing at 3-4’ to trees growing to 20-25’. It is very slow-growing, suitable for a garden or container. 5050 5050 SE Stark, Portland, OR 97215 About our nursery We welcome all visitors to our 20-acre bamboo nursery in North Plains, Oregon (20 miles west of Portland, OR). can count at least one native Penstemon amongst its ranks. We're sad and angry and we vow never to plant another Hebethen we fall in love again. Portland Nursery on Stark Phone: 503. Plants are also prone to fungal rot, gray mold (Botrytis), powdery mildew, and white rust. Finding plants that will bloom well in shady conditions can be a bit challenging, but Corydalis will brighten up even a deep shade spot with very little trouble. Blueberries produce fruit on one year old wood which arises from four to six year old stems. reading. Hamamelis mollis ‘Pallida’ is the variety most likely to be found in garden centers. 97140 (503) 726-1162. One of the most dramatic plants for your garden, Euphorbia offer a diversity of height, form, color and habit. Light: Crape myrtles love sun and heat. S. Acer rubrum 'Bowhall' - Narrow form of red maple. 5050 SE Stark, 97215 Phone: 503. 5050 5050 SE Stark Always know what's happening at Portland Nursery. Small glossy leaves set a nice back-drop for flowers in fall, and on a few forms, the leaves steal the show with bright gold or pink or cream variegation. Thriller, Filler, Spiller Sun Plants We plant all of our berries and small fruits in pots, and do not offer bare-root fruits. They should be given a minimum of 30x30 feet and at least 20 feet from a building. Bugs and diseases are rare in Portland. The plants of Artemis all carry her unmistakable signature: finely cut silver foliage, acrid scent, and abidingly bitter taste. For the two hardy species, Cyclamen hederifolium and Cyclamen coum , very little maintenance is required. Bark is reddish-brown when young and leaves are bright green on top and milky green beneath, turning gold before falling in autumn. 5050 Portland Nursery on Stark Phone: 503. Monarda at Portland Nursery and Garden Center. Pollination: Most apples grown for fruit need to have another apple near by that produces flowers at the same time of year, and is a different variety of apple. Hours; Community; Gift Cards; Portland Nursery on Stark Phone: 503. Family: Poaceae Genus: Pennisetum Common Name: Fountain Grass Origin: Ranging throughout the tropics and warm temperate regions, Pennisetums are native to both open and woodland habitats of Eurasia, Africa, Arabia, and Australasialopecuroides The genus contains about 80 distinct species. Varieties carried by Portland Nursery include ‘Wester Flisk,’ 'Aromatique,’ ‘Giant Form,’ ‘Gold Bullion’ and ‘Red Silver. PURCHASE PLANTS Here is a map for how to find us: Why? Rewild Portland has always focused on teaching resilience through skill building in natural crafts and portland farm & garden for sale "nursery" - craigslist Nursery Plant Pots - 2-gallon - new and used - Proven Winners and Sunset. Green, bronze, and mahogany colored fruit with juicy amber or white flesh ripens during hot summer months. Shade; Drought tolerant For more information on growing fruit trees, follow this link to Portland Nursery’s fruit page. Every state in the continental U. 231. 1-877-353-4028 Call Us Today! Menu Just use our plant lists and tips. Over watering and dense heavy soils can cause plants to rot or lose foliage in the center. A sturdy and stately plant with large dramatically variegated foliage and an easy disposition, the dieffenbachia are a wonderful addition to most homes. A great plant for cover and food for ground-feeding birds. Family: Saxifragaceae Genus: Heuchera (HEW-ker-ah) Common Name: Coral Bells, Alum Root Origin: About 55 species from North America and Mexico Culture: Heuchera are hardy in the Northwest (zones 4-9), mostly evergreen, and usually like afternoon shade with well-drained soil. Portland Nursery on Shopping at Stark. Orchids, succulents, indoor bonsai and cactus. 9000 SE Division, 97266 Our local growers cultivate all of the best new plant varieties and the have the highest quality standards anywhere. Portland Nursery on Division Phone: 503 It also provides good architectural height in a naturalized garden, cottage garden or woodland garden. Problems: Problems are touched-on briefly in the culture section of this page. Find Natives for your garden A full range of Water Plants for Portland, Vancouver. Persimmon Trees at Portland Nursery and Garden Center for Lake Oswego, Gresham, Portland and the surrounding area. Zones 4-9. 5050 Van Veen Nursery in Portland, OR boasts of a wide selection of rhododendron varieties perfect for gardeners or growers. Plants over 20' tall. A little known fact is most hardy fuchsias can tolerate full sun with some extra water. Vase shape large shrub. 5050 5050 SE Aster novi-belgii: New York Aster, Michaelmas Daisy These asters are similar to their New England cousins but shorter with smooth toothed leaves. Genus: Epimedium (epi-MEE-deum) Common name(s): Bishop’s Hat, Barrenwort, Fairy Wings Origin: 44 species in the wild, originating from Eurasia and the Mediterranean Plants are usually marked as evergreen, but in Portland winters that is not always the case, and if leaves stay on the plant the may look a tad unsightly in winter. Grows to 8-10’ x 6’. They are also wonderful container plants either working solo or in a combination. Abies grandis: Grand Fir. In three easy steps, you'll create perfect sun or shade containers and dramatic combinations in the garden. Trim vine down to two remaining buds. We still think they're wonderful & totally worth it! Garden of Eden- A Romano pole bean with sweet & tender 6” pods. 788. 5050 5050 SE Stark, Portland, OR Plants are best planted out young, so they can set their tap root. Portland Nursery on Division Phone: 503. 97071 (503) 981-1245. Search » Agastache is a great summer to fall garden bloomer that fits well in the herb garden, containers or perennial border. From Italy. Drought Tolerant Plants at Portland Nursery. Generally, shade plants like bright indirect light and most of them enjoy the morning sun until 12. 9000 SE Division, 97266 Phone: 503. $0. 9000 In the garden, rosemary is a fantastic, evergreen shrub for a hot, sunny spot. For over 20 years Pistils Nursery has been providing the community of Portland, OR, with unusual houseplants, pottery, handmade plant displays, and more. The Pacific Northwest naturally has soil with low pH because of copious rain, but much of the area has heavy clay soil, so mixing compost to the bed before planting These plants are borderline hardy in Portland’s climate and will need protection or a greenhouse for overwintering. 5050 5050 SE Stark Plants grown in more shade will have an open airy shape and fewer flowers than plants grown with more light. Problems: Short life-span. 9000 Cornell Farm is a fifth-generation family farm in the West Hills of Portland, OR with an extensive variety of houseplants and garden plants, along with all the accessories needed to make them thrive. 5050 5050 SE Stark Hops, Humulus lupulus, are fast-growing, herbaceous perennial vines that can grow from the ground to 25’ in the span of one season. While it is possible for Phormium to freeze in temperatures of 20 degrees and below, a quick look around town will reveal that freezing is not an Flowers are light green to red-tinted and erect with conspicuous leafy bracts. In general plants grow to be 12"-18" tall by 12" wide but there is a wide range depending on hybrid. The genus is expansive, including more than 2,000 species of herbaceous perennials, annuals, biennials, as well as evergreen and deciduous shrubs and trees. After planting, water thoroughly. That’s because for the most part, the showiest, most eye-catching plants in the nursery are for sale during their peak bloom time. Portland Nursery does not ship plants or products, but we do offer delivery within the greater Portland area. 9000 Keep a frost blanket on hand and cover the plant when temperatures threaten to fall below 25 degrees F. The foliage is silvery gray-green, toothed, on narrow, grayish white stems. 1-877-353-4028 Call Us Today! Menu Best Nurseries & Gardening in Portland, OR - Portland Nursery, Tony's Garden Center, Hammer + Vine, Tsugawa Nursery & Greenhouses, Cornell Farm, Thicket, Plants On Broadway, Farmington Gardens, Birds & Bees Nursery, Garden Fever We love our plants in our gardens and in our homes. Over 300 species are native to North America. 5050 Then store the plants in a garage or basement for the winter. Search » Plants form fleshy fruit that is poisonous, but can be decorative in red, Portland Nursery on Stark Phone: 503. 9000. Peach and Nectarine Trees at Portland Nursery and Garden Center for Lake Oswego, Gresham, Portland and the surrounding area. Well branched plants grow 2-3’ tall. 5050 5050 SE Stark, Portland, OR 97215 An old-fashioned cottage garden favorite, Nicotianas are carefree plants that will provide color and fragrance all summer long. As with many bulbs, daffodils are very suitable for growing in pots or window boxes or for filling in among plants in the garden bed. Golden yellow to orange flowers. One Green World is a family owned nursery and garden center located in Portland, Oregon specializing in a wide range of fruiting plants. It thrives in our warm summers, reliably gracing our gardens with hot orange flowers, and it stands up to our winter cold. Tree availability is seasonal with early spring offering the largest selection. 1220 N Pacific Hwy. Bluff Road, Gresham This well-known and much-loved genus includes over 500 species of annuals and perennials found in all the temperate regions of the world. Light: Full sun, at least 6 hours per day, preferably during the warmest part of the day. The following list offers some suggestions of columnar to conical (cone-shaped) plants for a tight area. Perfect for 6-12” containers. portland farm & garden for sale "trees" - craigslist loading. In Portland these plants will yield better crops if planted outside as seedlings rather than direct seeding into the garden. Use a freely draining potting mix, plant the tuber with its crown just above the soil surface, then add 1-2 inches of gravel or grit on top. Sun plants need at least 6 hours of full direct sun- afternoon is best. Grows 2-4 inches tall, with a 20 inch spread. A peek at the Sunset Western Garden Book entry on the subject will show a low end zone rating of 7-9 (Portland is in zone 6 by Sunset zoning system) and warns of freezing potential in zones 5 and 6. Tricyrtis formosana ‘Blu–shing Toad’. 5050 5050 SE Stark, Portland, OR 97215 We do not carry black walnuts here at Portland Nursery. Brunnera macrophylla 'Hadspen Cream' 'Hadspen Cream' has the usual forget-me-not style blue flowers plus very large leaves with an irregularly shaped, creamy edge. Portland Nursery on Grows 12-18” tall. In the wild, it can reach a height of 230 feet, though much smaller in a cultivated garden setting An essential plant for the shady garden, Corydalis offers sprays of cheerful flowers and delicate, beautiful foliage early in the season. Any Rhododendron or Azalea prefers well-drained soil with an acidic pH. 5050 5050 SE Stark, Portland, OR 97215 Dianthus at Portland Nursery and Garden Center. Portland Nursery on Stark Supplying Water. You can buy small herb plants from the nursery, start seeds inside, or take cuttings of or make divisions from mature plants. 5050 5050 SE Stark Geranium x cantabriginiense 'Biokovo'. 9000 In the garden, smaller grasses can be massed together and the larger ones can stand alone as a focal point or a screen. This guide aims to help. Bright red fall color. Mulching around the base of the plant with leaves or straw can help insulate the soil, but be sure to remove the mulch in the spring to allow the soil to warm up and dry out more quickly. 12-18" high x 12-18" wide, hardy in zones 3-9 Portland Nursery on Stark Phone: 503. 5050 5050 SE Stark, Portland, OR 97215 Portland Nursery on Division Phone: 503. Vaccinium corymbosum Vaccinium corymbosum Vaccinium corymbosum 'Bountiful Blue' Portland Nursery on Stark Phone: 503. Grows 8" tall by 18" wide in full to part sun. Family: Lamiaceae Genus: Monarda Common Name: Bee Balm, Bergamot, Horesemint, Oswego Tea Origin: North America Characteristics: Monarda is a genus consisting of approximately 16 species of flowering plants. Low maintenance suggests plants characterized by their ability to look good without much input from the gardener. If plants become diseased, remove affected foliage, remove all leaves from beneath the plant in fall when leaves drop naturally, and mulch the ground under the plant Print out this handy guide for selecting hedge plants: Hedges and Screens. 5050 5050 SE Stark Sun to shade – in sunny areas the plant will be shorter, denser and more compact. We have nothing against this plant - it's used for good reasons (flexible water needs, evergreen, okay with reflected parking lot heat). Dieffenbachia Plant at Portland Nursery. Colorful and lush, Cymbidiums make dramatically beautiful houseplants. 9000 9000 SE Division Cornus kousa: Korean/Chinese Dogwood True flowers are small & yellow with showy bracts similar to Cornus florida: but smaller. Penstemon is the largest genus for attracting hummingbirds, most widespread in North America, including approximately 270 species. . Fast-growing vine to 10-20’ x 8’, sun, Zone 7 0-10f. At Portland Nursery we carry several types of fruits trained in a fence shape. Plants are available in a wide range of mature sizes, from dwarf forms maturing at 3-4’ to trees growing to 15-20’. Portland Nursery on Division Phone Portland Nursery on Division. Vines add an air of romance to the garden, scrambling over a fence, tumbling across an arbor or twining up a pole. Plants in very rich garden soil grow fast but are shorter lived. 5050 5050 SE Stark, Portland, OR 97215 Monday - Sunday 9am - 6pm. A list of recommended Pacific Northwest native plants; the plant list focuses on plants that are relatively easy to acquire, establish, and grow. ‘Black Negligee’ looks fantastic combined with chartreuse grasses, heucheras or hostas. Cultural conditions (sun, rain, soil compaction, fertilizer, etc…) affect the growth rate of any given plant. 5050 Many such non-native plants don't often translate to Portland, but the Pomegranate does. Large round fruit is strawberry red and very decorative amongst the red and purple leaves of autumn. For the creme de la creme display of fuchsias, visit us in August when the Northwest Fuchsia Society holds the annual Fuchsia show at our Stark location. 5050 5050 SE Stark, Portland, OR 97215 The plants featured are highlighted favorites, but they do not represent ALL of the plants we carry. 9000 Whether it's in your vegetable garden or a patio garden, our tomato starts will get you going. Portland Nursery carries most of the trees suggested by the City of Portland, but usually the caliper sizes are smaller; our trees are mostly 1”-1 ½” in caliper. Salvia splendens. Each tree has two or three tiers, with two to six different varieties grafted to a central stem. 5050 Bedding Plants for Shade and Sun for spring planting in containers and gardens in Portland, Vancouver, Lake Oswego. Al's of Woodburn. It is especially important that new plants get adequate water in the first two summers while they establish themselves. Continue reading Print out our helpful lists of shade and sun plants for "Thriller, Spiller, Fillers": Thriller, Filler, Spiller Shade Plants. Maintenance: Varies some by species. “All the Artemisia plants in the garden are under the dominion of Artemis, Greek goddess of the moon and of the hunt, and guardian of the sovereign chastity of those who choose to travel in her band of solitaries. 16920 SW Roy Rogers Rd. That's right, if you plant a tree on your residential property in Portland, Environmental Services will send you a rebate of up to $50. Assume the 20 year size to be double the 10 year size. 9000 They are medium to large shrubs that we usually grow as small container plants. Dianthus gratianopolitanus: Bath’s Pink, Cheddar Pink A low growing group (6-12” tall) with lovely evergreen, blue foliage. Choco Sun - 10-12” tall classic sunflowers. 5050 5050 SE Stark, Portland, OR 97215 We love our plants in our gardens and in our homes. Hours; Community; Gift Cards; Newsletter; This Month. Birdbaths should be placed among low-level cover plants rather than out in the open (the middle of your lawn) so they are more secure while bathing, and cleaned regularly. Matures at 40-50’ tall and 10 Drive through a fast-food parking lot and you're likely to see the only Viburnum that is commonly planted - the David Viburnum (Viburnum davidii). 5050 5050 SE Stark, Portland, OR 97215 An open, south or southwest facing slope with plenty of sun is an ideal site for a rock garden. 9000 Portland Nursery on Stark Phone: 503. Plant at the same depth as in the pot. Bird baths make great garden ornaments and are also useful to birds for drinking and bathing. 5050. searching 4,200 RediRoot air root pruning nursery pots, 5 & 7 gallon. In the ground they will branch and produce 4-5 flowers per plant. Because it also flowers from August to September it fills holes in the shade perennial garden when others are past their prime. 5050 Cherry Trees at Portland Nursery and Garden Center for Lake Oswego, Gresham, Portland and the surrounding area. ’ Epimedium at Portland Nursery and Garden Center. Sales; Portland Nursery on Stark Phone: 503. This is a great plant for providing food and cover for birds and wildlife. 9000 9000 SE Division, Portland, OR 97266 Beneficials come in many shapes and sizes and each help your garden in their own way, including controlling pests and pollinating plants. Hot, hot, hot! This diverse species comes in an array of colors; red, purple, pink, salmon, white, and bicolor. Al's of Sherwood. Excellent selection of inexpensive Northwest native plants -- perennials, shrubs, trees, ferns, sedges. 5050 5050 SE Stark Lewisia cotyledon. Because these fruits mostly require the presence of at least two different varieties for pollination and fruiting, combinations of compatible varieties are used. South or west-facing sites with at least eight hours of sun per day is ideal. Sparrowhawk Native Plants LLC organizes pop-up native plant sales in neighborhoods around Portland, Oregon and Vancouver, Washington for eco-minded home gardeners that want to help birds, pollinators, bees, butterflies and hummingbirds by planting locally native plants in their yards. 5050 5050 SE Stark, Portland, OR 97215 Portland Nursery on Stark Phone: 503. Plant groups of early-blooming and late-blooming bulbs for fresh tulips throughout spring. From Aloe to Zygopetalum, we cover the alphabet with choices for your home or office; plants for your brightest window or your darkest corner, those that willa love the humidity near your shower or prefer a dry, sunny spot. (Please call 503-788-9000 for details) Our Plant Pages Cornell Farm is a fifth-generation family farm in the West Hills of Portland, OR with an extensive variety of houseplants and garden plants, along with all the accessories needed to make them thrive. Portland Nursery on Portland Nursery on Stark Phone: 503. 5050 5050 SE Stark, Portland, OR 97215 It is a delicate looking but sturdy plant, undemanding in its care and undisturbed by bugs or disease. Check out our plant list today. 9000 9000 SE Division If the plant is too deep the crown and stems can rot due to lack of oxygen. We carry a wide range of houseplants including Bonsai, orchids, cacti and succulents. 9000 One Green World is a family owned nursery and garden center located in Portland, Oregon specializing in a wide range of fruiting plants. Facts: Heuchera. Part Shade plants really like to have some direct morning or midday sun. Full sun to part shade - hardiness varies - most are Zone 7-8, 0-20f. Plants with an * are evergreen. Top Perennial Sun Plants at Portland Nursery and Garden Center. upxwxsn fjquj eaqmwk mwzznz sxojk roqxlq wmzoev iozipox uaehs jcdbm