Quantum brain theory debunked reddit That doesn't seem to be the case. Lateralization is unique in every individual and researchers can not find any evidence that one side of the brain or another works by itself for functions of our personalities. Quantum Metaphysics with your host, Doctor Manhattan. It isn’t thought of by the theory’s proprietors, to be a “quantum computer. -you live your life as normal. Literal alternate universes merging and pulling away leaving memories of the other as they disconnect( though could affect the memory field theory as alternate realities collide emerge or pull apart later) So infinite space and time is an assumption created by the human condition. The tired light theory is a counter possibility sometimes used by creationists. Entanglement isn't something that just happens to be a thing. "In quantum theory discrete regions of space have finite amounts of energy. When the experimenter is trying to detect the position of the particle coming through the slits, the particle seems to choose a single path rather than its natural wave one and vice versa when the detector is off. It easy to dismiss but you forget that we live in a quantum world. If simulation theory is a thing, we can agree a being or beings made the simulation right? The idea of the universe forming from the big bang is contrasted by the idea of it being a sim. It stems from the many world's theory of quantum mechanics. YET. Eugenist seem to love it. But, because we nevertheless do perceive just one outcome, von Neumann goes on to argue that the collapse takes place with non-physical consciousness, which is not described by quantum theory. For basic info, please read: https Scott said fnaf 1-4 is a story that most of people wont accept it, (Dream theory). So, we might consider humans to be “largely deterministic” even if the universe isn’t. If quantum measurements are one day taken from the human brain, they could be compared against our results to definitely decide whether consciousness is a classical or a quantum phenomenon. Please respect other views and opinions, and keep an open mind. I have to admit, it boggles my mind a little to think of what would happen if the delay could be increased, e. It probably doesn’t since there are larger sources of noise in the brain than quantum fluctuations. There are in principle no experiments that can distinguish interpretations because they don't make different predictions, they predict the same things. In fact, previously theorized views on consciousness requiring quantum entanglement have been proven false (IIRC it was Penrose that had a popular theory with quantum tubules that was debunked). If we call the progress on string theory slow, then progress on other theories of quantum gravity is glacial or non-existing. And it seems to me at least a plausible theory, and to just dismiss it would be dishonest. The theory makes a lot of sense and explains things quite well. There is a hypothesis that quantum entangled systems can only remain entangled after interacting with another system if that other system is also a quantum system. Beyond that it’s somewhat difficult to eli5 because a vacuum in quantum physics probably isn’t the vacuum you’re thinking of, which is a region of space with no matter. After fnaf 4 the story has change a liltle bit, I swear fnaf is the only game that people will count toes to make theory, people wont like matpat theory or funnaff theory because it might be true to scott original idea of the story. Dec 2, 2015 · If there is an element of quantum control to the brain’s computation, Fisher reasoned, lithium’s calming effects might be down to the incorporation of these peculiarly coherent nuclei into the No lol, the theory is that it’s a hypermasculinaztion of the brain in COMPARISON to non-autistic women. So the answer to your question is that we're pretty sure it holds over large distances because quantum mechanics says so, and quantum mechanics has yet to be wrong. The theory of Quantum Immortality has driven me to a state of pure anxiety and terror over the last week - is it true? Has it been debunked? I can't so this anymore. But then string theory debunks the simulation theory and supports the holodeck theory. Please Obey the reddit TOS, including provisions regarding harassment and spam, including non-monetary spam. But this breaks the core argument of simulation theory which is that simulations can be spawned near-infinitely deep. Entanglement Theory aims to describe how quantum entanglement can be used as a form of instantaneous transmission of information across two points in a field. It blows my mind to wonder if we are merely in a microscopic universe rather than the other end. This leads to the belief that quantum fields could be the first cause, negating the necessity for another uncaused first cause. The Big Bang theory does not even approach an explanation of the pre-Universe. I think it's more interesting to consider why we might go for what 'makes more sense' rather than actual fact. Makes more sense. Content should either involve math, or a discussion of a known theory with a mathematical basis. honestly as soon as I read up on it I got the most powerful Panic attack and paranoia ever,haven’t had a freak out like that in 4 years. It may not exist outside of our brains but that Is inconsequential. Quantum Teleportation utilizes entangled photons to transmit the state of one photon instantaneously to the other. The infrared wavelengths have the deepest penetration into the brain. Einstein was never able to develop a theory of gravitation because he never accepted quantum mechanics. Newcomers who wish to learn are free to ask any questions of any quantum interpretations. The standard theory of quantum mechanics states that with collapse new information that did not exist before is created and needs to be updated. The radio waves remained entangled after interacting with the brain fluid. A quantum vacuum is a state of lowest energy, and the implications of that are somewhat complicated. Nor did quantum mechanics. to allow a human to observe the particle at D0 while the other particles are still in-flight. One such unique prediction is string harmonics: at sufficiently high energies—probably near the quantum gravity scale—the string-like nature of particles Aug 25, 2021 · New research reveals hints of quantum states in tiny proteins called microtubules inside brain cells. The brain is infinitely complex, but thinking about a brain as a dynamic network that shapes and responds to its environment over time can help us understand behavioral and cognitive changes associated with neural changes. 5 subscribers in the Quantum_MetaPhysics community. To me it's unclear how 1) brains aren't subject to Gödel incompleteness, 2) how decoherence doesn't break all kinds of quantum computation in the brain. As a theory of quantum gravity, string theory makes predictions about the nature and behavior of space and time. So I get what you're saying as it relates to this theory. Any physicist who supports the pilot wave theory would likely question the assumptions that purport it as "debunked" and the back and forth continues. Even as the bullet enters my head there will be many moments where it has not killed me yet, but gravely injured me, which quantum immortality cannot protect me from. However to constitute a convincing potential verification of string theory, a prediction should be specific to it, not shared by any quantum field theory model or by General Relativity. While studying the effects of epilepsy, Sperry discovered that cutting the corpus collosum (the structure that connects the two hemispheres of the brain) could reduce or eliminate seizures. Feynman said "If you think you understand quantum mechanics, you don't understand quantum mechanics. Tired light is debunked as the cause of cosmological redshift, because it doesn't fit observations. " *and as a philosophy its not worth anyone's time or effort. Take the two fold quantum eraser. TIL that Left-brain vs. You send the beam through a cavity that records the path, neglects it, or does both (it's a quantum device). Offers support by pointing out the inhibitory functions of the brain -Quantum entanglement is essentially our own “footprint” of consciousness. I like the Copenhagen interpretation because that's what I've been taught and my quantum professor is literally the smartest person I've ever met. Because you died there, your consciousness cannot remain, and you are switched to the closest reality where you survived. I'm no expert on this, but my understanding (based on a beer-fueled conversation in a bar) is that a Boltzmann brain is a self-aware entity or consciousness, produced not by billions of years of evolution, but instead by some random fluctuation, either quantum or thermal. For example general relativity didnt replace classical mechanics. The right brain-left brain theory originated in the work of Roger W. We aren't talking about anything at all. Yes, that color theory. everyone you know is dead I had a theory that the Kang appearing in Ant Man and the Wasp Quantumania was going to be Darren Cross (Yellow-Jacket). Also, there can't be "zillions" of quantum copies. But the basic plot points of the theory I think is the best scientific theory we have for an "after life" The basic plot points being: Mass-energy cannot be created or destroyed we exist. Everything points to it being a head/brain. Energy is quantified. ” Also, there are some very good scientists who are looking into it, but they get burned by mainstream science. It's not a myth; it's an oversimplification. The big bang theory is pretty disturbing when you think about it. And additionally my own extensive experience with psychedelics for going on 30 years seems to confirm it. But what about quantum mortality? A circle is defined as infinite points all the same distance away from a central point. (I'm a bit of an amateur expert on this. Also the vibrational frequency of our reality. Some people still go by pilot wave theory/hidden variables theory, some go with many word's interpretation and those involving decoherence, and some go with the Copenhagen interpretation. It is the foundation of all quantum physics including quantum chemistry, quantum field theory, quantum technology, and quantum information science. Natural brain chemical deficiency or natural tendencies for the brain to fill in and write a plausible explanation when information is missing. This is because of the limitation of the speed of light. The mainstream Kang is a descendant of Reed Richards but other versions are pretty different. It isn't even a hypothesis, but only a brain fart for it seems to be based solely on 'hey, our supercomputers can now simulate some moderately complex systems such as weather so eventually we might be able to simulate an entire universe and if so there might already be an advanced civilization somewhere who is doing so and we're in it. The idea that the entire known universe just randomly burst out of nothingness and we have no idea why. This has given us a deeper understanding of both quantum gravity and quantum field theory. Because at that very moment I am still alive. Sadly that is why quantum has so many interpretation theories, since no breakthrough has been done in the last 100 years, that fully and clearly shows that the wave function collapses because X happens. In research, it's either that something has not yet been proven false (and hence it continues to be the dominant theory e. This theory explores the fractal, holographic nature of the structure of space and thus, how the totality of all is within each piece - unifying physics and solving quantum gravity. It seems to me to be something that is maybe a theoretical virtue (e. It can go more in depth in a "red makes people angry" or "blue makes people sad" all the way into "this color is black, and this other color is black, but this black actually looks green next to this black which looks more purple. However, there are many things wrong with this argument. your body is frail and unable of any kind of unassisted action. the brain cannot experience those sensory changes individually, instead you experience a summary - this is the feeling. , scientists might assume determinism for purposes of conducting science), or an interpretation of science (e. A general reminder for the OP: please remember to include a TL; DR and to clarify what you mean by "consciousness" [14] [15] [16] The criticism concentrated on three issues: Penrose's interpretation of Gödel's theorem; Penrose's abductive reasoning linking non-computability to quantum events; and the brain's unsuitability to host the quantum phenomena required by the theory, since it is considered too "warm, wet and noisy" to avoid decoherence. The way I understand it, the point of string theory is to have to something that explaines both relativity with quantum mechanics and string theory is currently the most popular solution for this, however there is this guy called Eric Weinstein who has this theory called geometric unity which is an alternative for this but has so far not been well received by the physics-community and he has A video about Ms. The "minimal physicalist" (MP) approach of consciousness is based on Quantum Information Theory. Posted by u/JavierLopezComesana - 1 vote and no comments Penrose's version of quantum consciousness is basically: the human mind can apprehend unprovable, but true, theorems in mathematics. Frizzle and how she got the Magic School Bus could work. But so far as we can tell, quantum mechanics (and even quantum field theory) is perfectly "flat". It is also presumptive to say that nothing existed. The Big Bang theory is a scientific theory--it explains the evidence we have of the early Universe. With quantum theory we now know probabilities lay at the heart of our reality and the set of possible actors and events is most likely limited and therefore computable, even in our reality. Edit: probably shouldn't have said nothingness but I still find it disturbing if it started as a small point or sphere or something we don't understand either way. You may combine quantum mechanics with special relativity to get quantum field theory. General relativity is the "best" theory for gravity because it is the one with the most explanatory power and we have not other accepted theory that presents general relativity as a subset. Specifically for quantum mechanics they focus a lot on the history of the developments prior to QM and actually treat very little of the developed theory and often, from many years of experience on physics forums, mislead their audience about the current state of quantum theory by omission of these developments. We know that she isn't the first in her family to do this sort of thing, because in The Magic School Bus Takes a Dive, she mentions a relative of hers (the person the treasure originally belonged to, which is why she brought him up). It's not anything new - it was initially formulated about hundred years ago and got its final shape over 50 years ago. It could be two neutron stars or two red giants with the same mass and spin. The book is called “The Quantum Universe (And Why Anything That Can Happen, Does)”. brain regulates the body, the body sends sensory information back to the brain (metabolic functions). This has nothing to do with Sword Art Online itself, but it's an interesting theory similar to what Reki Kawahara came up with in the Alicization Arc. I think this theory, as told, is not possible. What these researchers refer to as "collapsing the wave function" may be different than merely another layer in the illusion of causality, though. It's false to say that depression is directly caused by higher or lower levels of serotonin, but it's definitely related to neurotransmitters in some way that we don't fully understand, of which one is serotonin but there are also several others. If you haven’t looked into quantum mechanics, the similarities to a simulation can be quite striking. Insightful people throughout history, whether shamans or scientists, poets or prophets, have extensively used this capacity, innate to all human beings. ) The conscious observer effect debunks the big bang theory and supports the simulation theory. The frequency pulse entrains the brain waves to 10 hz or 40 Hz, corresonding to alpha (rest) and gamma (alert). -you turn 200, you break the record for the oldest person alive and most likely to have ever lived. A good thing to keep in mind with scientific theories: I’d the theory claims to explain everything and is infallible it’s most likely bullshit. Quantum theory does actually seem to be fundamentally probabilistic (Heisenberg, Bells theorem, et al). His Quantum Gravity Research group is seeking to build a new, first-principles unified theory of everything they call Emergence Theory, “to unify, through mathematical and scientific rigor, the theory of relativity, quantum mechanics… and consciousness. " "The probability of DNA-based life is greater than zero; and if the number of types of DNA-based living things is finite (because the size of the DNA molecules cannot be arbitrarily large)" Welcome to /r/literature, a community for deeper discussions of plays, poetry, short stories, and novels. This is a subreddit devoted to discussions about quantum mechanics and experiments regarding quantum mechanics. Finally string theory is also subject to interpretations just like quantum theory. So they deduce that some part of the brain's conscious thought system is a quantum system. For those of you who want the link to the article, here it is: Discovery of quantum vibrations in 'microtubules' inside brain neurons supports controversial theory of consciousness We proposed in the mid 1990’s that consciousness depends on biologically ‘orchestrated’ coherent quantum processes in collections of microtubules within brain neurons, that these quantum processes correlate with, and regulate, neuronal synaptic and membrane activity, and that the continuous Schrödinger evolution of each such process This thing seems to assume that in every dimension each person only has one conscious, but if i were to die in this dimension, and the many minds theory is right, then the universe would split into two dimensions one with me in it one without me in it, but everything else would be the same, that means there are now two of everyone else, so it doesn't make sense that one consciousness would The left side is "Limit"ing Tyler's creative thoughts from the right brain. The out of Africa theory is racist as well - think bout it If it's true and we progressed from apes from Africa and black skinned bush people are still there amongst apes but yet light skinned and yellow skinned somehow escaped or evolved to escape the original continent but yet there still is pygmies and blacks that Feb 15, 2017 · Any theory that lets bizarre brains randomly pop into existence can’t be a valid description of the universe. . picture this: quantum immortality is real, your consciousness can never die out. We agree to disagree. If the results stand up, the idea that consciousness is quantum might come in from the cold TL;DR 1) Microtubules are present in all eukaryotic organisms, some of which do not have any neurons but may still be conscious beings. Albert Einstein worked on Maxwell’s findings and discovered “The Theory of Relativity” I'm sold! I mean everyone knows quantum mechanics led to Einstein discovering relativity. In my brain right now I would think evolution is a theory because all the evidence points toward it but it can’t be observed in real time repeatedly. String theory developed as a way of trying to understand quantum field theory better, and we have learned a lot about connections between string theory and quantum field theory over the past ~50 years. , sciences are interpreted according to deterministic laws), or TL;DR 1) Microtubules are present in all eukaryotic organisms, some of which do not have any neurons but may still be conscious beings. Even if you wake up as a brain in the vat one day and realize your life was a dream, you still won't be able to be sure that you're not a brain in a vat dreaming that you're another brain in another vat. That is the reason why — according to this interpretation — consciousness collapses the wave function. This is a community to discuss all quantum interpretations. If someone made the simulation, what part of the sim do you think they control? Arguably we are already at this floor with physical reality. Dipper: Wendy! Don't eat me! Wendy:Ive been holding out my brain lust for far too long Dipper! (Dipper gets gruesomely eaten) Mabel and stan and Soos cry THE END and then the best fabric was published. Basically, the brain might not need increased activity to make a decision as originally thought, but rather may simply be more likely to make decisions during high-activity periods, as the brain is doing more things in general, meaning the original experiment that lead to an argument against free will was simply noticing those periods and The Cold Winters Theory proposed by Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen states that races living in cold dry climates have higher intelligence, while races living in warm humid climates have lower intelligence. When it comes to photons, phonons, 2nd quantisation and relativistic quantum mechanics, the pilot wave theory becomes staggeringly complicated to the point where prominent pilot-wave advocates have just put their hands up and admitted that the whole pilot-wave theory was too complicated. My understanding is that this is a pretty fringe idea and only people at the very very very pinnacle of modern physics even give it the time of day. Are there any attempts at debunking this? I keep hearing about this theory and my first though about it was there's some really bad assumptions that I assume will be debunked soon, but it keeps coming back, and seemly no one has touched it on theoretical grounds. , physicists might prefer a deterministic theory of quantum mechanics), or a presupposition (e. Experts and champions of each interpretations can debate and toss it out in this subreddit as an active, informal scientific forum. So basically according to the theory there are infinite worlds and the "Schrödinger's cat" thaught experiment "theorizes" this which I explained in the end if you don't know about it. Other suspicious things that Gigi might indeed be Scooby are that her color palette is similar to Scooby & of course the rumors that she shares her love for snacks with Norville. -you turn 100, you are the oldest person in your family and have probably been for a while. The point of the video isn't that we might be a brain in a vat, the point is that we'll never know what we really are or what's true or real. Nerve fibres in the brain could generate quantum entanglement. In Quantum Information Theory this is also known as, Quantum Teleportation. In physics, string theory is a theoretical framework in which the point-like particles of particle physics are replaced by one-dimensional objects called strings. All good, strong, and sound scientific theories can be both proven and debunked with tests and math, as counter intuitive as that may sound. 3) Quantum mechanics is theorized to explain consciousness. Orchestrated objective reduction (Orch OR) is a controversial theory postulating that consciousness originates at the quantum level inside neurons (rather than being a product of neural connections). If it turns out that spacetime qualitatively behaves differently than string theory predicts, that will be a falsification of string theory. The concept of the mind seems useful, but I don't see how dualism was ever useful. That is the origin of his famous quote, "God does not play dice with the Universe". 2) Microtubules are small enough to perform quantum computation and exhibit quantum effects. We never get interactions between worlds that would allow someone to shift. This "extreme male brain" theory really rubs me the wrong way due to its assumptions of what constitutes It's a delightful experiment, counterintuitive while being completely consistent with quantum mechanics theory. The geometry of these oscillation modes are now being discovered by scientists to have very fundamental functions at the base of reality, and that this constant flux of quantum energy is intrinsically and integrally entangled. (X being whatever explanation truly is the factor that rules quantum behaviors) ----- 5. For example there is a lot of evidence for a conjecture called ER=EPR which comes from AdS/CFT. Any new theory would by necessity have to explain why our current theories seem to work. The theory of quantum immortality states that you are unable to observe your own death. Pilot-wave is disproven already because it's a non-local realistic interpretation, and all non-local realism interpretations have been debunked multiple times over the last 40 years. Members Online Debunking the Pseudoscience of Nassim Haramein So from my understanding the idea behind quantum immortality is that there is always a 'next moment' after a version of you dies. This new knowledge of quantum fractals could provide the foundations for scientists to experimentally test the theory of quantum consciousness. "Physics is intrinsically quantum due to the quantization of obtainable information into bits" In general, basing MP on the physical assumptions of quantum information theory has significant empirical consequences that extend far beyond a mere Because current quantum theory is computable, therefore brains must be using some non-computable quantum gravity to function. The quantum mind or quantum consciousness is a group of hypotheses proposing that local physical laws and interactions from classical mechanics or connections between neurons alone cannot explain consciousness, [1] positing instead that quantum-mechanical phenomena, such as entanglement and superposition that cause nonlocalized quantum effects Aug 25, 2021 · New research reveals hints of quantum states in tiny proteins called microtubules inside brain cells. It's a mathematical consequence of quantum mechanics that's unavoidable unless we change the fundamental laws. Quantum fields still require a reason for acting. Quantum Mario gives a good visual representation of how this would work. according to the many worlds theory of wave function collapse, each time you pull the trigger the universe splits into Thank you thoughtbot100 for posting on r/consciousness, below are some general reminders for the OP and the r/consciousness community as a whole. The "ultimate" theory in a certain field is just the one for which no better version has yet to be established. ” Subjects with dementia, traumatic brain injury and Parkinson's show significant gains when treated within these parameters. SELF-PROMOTION IS… Second, it is not clear whether quantum indeterminacy “matters” for human decision-making. " Considering, that the killer goes after Daphne's friends its a possibility that Gigi will have the same fate and end up having her brain put into a dog. Philosophical discussions as well as rigorous physics equations are allowed. Right-brain dominance is a myth. There is no evidence in any credible scientific literature that telepathy is possible with quantum entanglement. Reply reply Honestly, this just sounds like a bastardisation of a real scientific theory to explain inane silly glitches in the human mind. Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation - All objects attract each other with a force of gravitational attraction. Sperry, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1981. If the results stand up, the idea that consciousness is quantum might come in from the Dec 2, 2015 · Even if electrical impulses among neurons within the brain – something well described by classical physics – are the immediate basis of thought and memory, a hidden quantum layer might Been knowing of simulation theory for quite some time, but just recently I learned of Brain in A Vat Theory. I for one have experienced quantum immortality first hand, its definately real, ivd died atleast 18 times, some accidental, some intentional, and it always goes the same, its like a glitch happens and things instantly change to a different reality with slight variations, ppl around have different experiences then the ones u remember and even if This is a forum for free thinking and for discussing issues which have captured your imagination. Iain McGilchrist offers a theory for non emergence in this book The Matter with Things. This sub is meant to be a place to discuss the effect under the presupposition that for whatever reason, *it is really happening,* at the exclusion of the theory of Confabulation. I wouldn't describe it as "debunked", but in my experience, dualism as a theory does not have much credibility and most neuroscientists are not dualists. We are not /r/books: please do not use this sub to seek book recommendations or homework help. The problematic part is combining quantum mechanics with general This is an idea we discussed in my quantum mechanics lecture. There is no conflict between special relativity and quantum mechanics. Like I mean it's a good theory, but you have to count for the writing as well and plus Bingo go's back into Earth at the end so if the theory is true it doesn't make sense if they say that Bingo suffers an early fate because we don't see Bluey going back in Venus so why would Bingo go back into Earth. feelings are a feature of emotions. It asserts because the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics implies there are infinitely many you, when you die you’ll quantum leap into another one, then again the fact that the universe is infinite also implies there are infinitely many you and no one makes the argument unless they see it as supported by wizards of Quantum. The book " the god particle " and books by Lawrence Kraus explain the evolution in scientific theories in a good way The gist is that a new theory doesnt have to disprove previous theories; the new theory is useful if it explain more accurately or gives useful results in broader conditions than the earlier theory. They end up the same, deleting all information about its composition. The actual substance of adrenochrome is phyco active thus it could be possible another effect could take place. Classical computers cannot do this, but perhaps a quantum brain can do so. (This is because string theory shows that our reality has at least 9 dimensions, our 3 (width, height and depth) and 6 others. The typical challenge to any quantum computing ideas in the brain is that it is too warm for any coherence to be preserved (quantum computers usually involve supercooling mechanisms to help prevent decoherence). Now while this is not symmetric it does line up with thermodynamics, the arrow of time, and the way we experience the world. 2. 1K votes, 597 comments. Jan 17, 2024 · With anaesthetics and brain organoids, we are finally testing the idea that quantum effects explain consciousness – and the early results suggest this long-derided idea may have been misconstrued With its quantum-system functions, our brain can receive information not only from our eyes and ears, but directly from the wider world with which we are “entangled” — nonlocally connected. It would be cool if this sub were more focused on learning more about the theory of quantum immortality, instead of trying to use it as a scientific justification for their New Age beliefs. Also, in season one after the events of CATWS in the previously on bit they show a helicarrier crashing into the Triskelion and they state numerous times that at the end of season 7 they returned to their original timeline which is The problem is how probabilistic laws of quantum mechanics could give you free will: If there are probabilistic events at the quantum level and those have (let’s assume) some probability less than 1 of leading you to end up posting this on reddit (and another probability less than one that you don’t post this on reddit). However, the distinction between mind and brain is still very popular, and I think that makes sense. ] Yeah debunked but I guarantee if you push yourself to kill baby's and drink they're blood your getting a chemical dump in your brain like never before. One such unique prediction is string harmonics: at sufficiently high energies—probably near the quantum gravity scale—the string-like nature of particles As for the question if 'string theory proper' or 'string theory as a theory of everything' is dead, I would also say no. For example, you quantum tunneling to the moon is impossible. Sidenote: I just started learning about constructor theory and it seems like a very exciting and promising way to test whether or not gravity is quantum in nature. 4) Microtubules mediate consciousness. The quantum mind or quantum consciousness is a group of hypotheses proposing that local physical laws and interactions from classical mechanics or connections between neurons alone cannot explain consciousness, [1] positing instead that quantum-mechanical phenomena, such as entanglement and superposition that cause nonlocalized quantum effects, interacting in smaller features of the brain than Certainly it's possible that quantum effects in the brain do merely add another layer of causal factors that do not create free will any more than the non quantum effects in the brain do. Quantum immortality seems very dubious. Debunking Nick Bostrom's Simulation Theory With Information Theory. The information is recorded. The predictions quantum theory makes aren't affected by your choice of interpretation. Its not even possible in theory for an outcome to be deterministic unless you resort to a multiverse of universes, which would be an extreme breach of the parsimony principle. The human mind is capable of apprehending Turing-non-computable mathematical truths. Maxwell was a mathematical genius whose work led to the development of quantum physics. But you are nevertheless a brain, which gets stimulated, just like Neo's brain in "The Matrix". This is rejected by most physicists because quantum mechanics is the more fundamental theory and in quantum mechanics, there is only a one-to-one evolution of states. Remember Einstein's famous saying, "God does not play dice with the universe. One would think that, if the brain was a quantum computer (or much to the same effect, just "used" quantum computing or even quantum effects for a significant part of the organ's function), it would be affected in at least some way that is observable by the person getting scanned. You see everything that occurs in the human brain is real to us. EDIT: Replace every "depression" with "God". Don’t trust a statement just because it has been made by some admired philosopher. This is the right side, where creativity and spontainious thinking happens. See This excerpt from Weinberg. In a quantum eraser, if you take information, and scramble it, the interference reappears, because the information is no longer legible to a intelligent being. [Please sort by HOT to find the sticky post for additional information. After all, if you figure out that you might be able to falsify a theory with an experiment, and you get the results back that appear to do so, is it because the theory has been falsified, or is it because the theory was actually unfalsifiable all along and the results are worthless? Without a means to be sure, we're back at the start, unsure As for the question if 'string theory proper' or 'string theory as a theory of everything' is dead, I would also say no. i have been thinking and I thaught that if there are infinite universes there would be an infinite amount of universes in which humans have discovered how to I read this scientific book about quantum mechanics and the author uses clocks to simplify the explanations of quantum mechanical properties and maths. Members Online Sacred Geometry 101 Every theory is like that. The human brain on the other hand understands things differently, I do not exactly know how cause I am no good with biology, but what I do know is that the neurons store and evaluate whatever we see on the basis of quantum mechanics( hence the reason for slow learning), so the brain approaches problem in a sophisticated way of making models and The latter is a philosophy that drives a lot of work in things like string theory and the many worlds interpretation because under that framework there is a theory of everything that we just need to find, so stuff like non unitary evolution or a priori classical objects baked into the theory is a deep problem with the theory. If you make this it would look like a line but in reality not have any continuity. say you have a revolver with a single bullet in it, spin it put it to your head, pull the trigger, re spin if youre still alive and do it again. Discussions of literary criticism, literary history, literary theory, and critical theory are also welcome. Instead, you can recover classical mechanics from both GR and QM in the right regimes. the brain tells itself a story about what is going on inside the body in relation to the This is easily debunked by watching season 6 in one of the episodes Mack mentions the Triskelion being rebuilt. Even at the extremes of AI research today there is no hope of simulating anything like life or a universe, certainly not life forms that would invent simulation theory. By masculine brain, they mean like structurally not in terms of gender identity. For example, quantum fields are actually not in a classical sense, truly random. Good arguments and points! However, the theory of a “quantum brain” borrows from quantum theory, and has quantum properties. true. The MR scanner A) creates a significant alteration of the The whole quantum immortality idea is old nonsense. To be fair, I did find the slice of a mouse’s brain showing its neuron cells looks exactly like a cluster of galaxies surrounded by stars and dark matter fascinating. Finally, the Boltzmann Brain Theory says that it is more likely that a Boltzmann Brain like the one I described above exists than it is for the universe to exist how we know it today. Glorious vista is a beautiful painting of green fields. Simulation theory in contrast is based on the idea that you are not even a brain - you are pure information, completely digital, running on some kind of computer, which might itself be a simulation, like a virtual machine. Firstly, simulation theory is not a scientific theory. Ergo, the brain skirts classical physics, somehow. To be fair, we don't know much about the human brain. It doesn't matter what you throw in. g. Like there are some gender differences in the brain. To give rise to mass, form, and structure, the quantum vacuum must have coherent modes of oscillations. You weren't there; how do you I feel like the "theory" of evolution is racist. Quantum tunneling is an instantaneous process, so it can only happen on very very small scales, where the time it takes to make an observation of your position is bigger than the time it takes for light to change positions. We do not currently have any known evidence of whatever happened before the Universe. Progress is slow, but so far we haven't found any compelling alternatives. The point is that his theory with Stuart Hameroff (Orch-OR), includes the idea that microtubules act like mini quantum computers. The sun being the center of the solar system seems self evident. till now I’m just anxious af if we,or I’m just a Brain in a vat? 32 votes, 41 comments. Except, well, we just revert to what makes sense. Posted by u/vodka_twinkie - 87 votes and 7 comments The only theory I've ever heard that answers that in a way that is at all compelling to me is Stoned Ape. The mechanism is held to be a quantum process called objective reduction that is orchestrated by cellular structures called microtubules . the theory of evolution) or it has been found lacking in some way/can be better explained by an alternative theory. I know this sounds weird because we are so used to 'understanding each other' when we use language, but QM is very weird. There was one version of If quantum immortality is true, then if I take a gun to my head and pull the trigger, it will not jam, it will still fire the bullet. Also, think about what that would mean: all the connections between neurons in the brain of whatever person you're shifting to would get rewired with your brain's pattern. This means we do not yet know if gravity affects quantum particles, and since we know it affects our macroscopic world this would imply it is also an emergent property. What we've built so far works pretty well. And all of this is shaped by evolutionary history among humans too. -He believes that the brain is “permissive” for consciousness and guides and constrains it. Every cell of our bodies interacts with reality at the quantum scale… In the double slit experiment, the main "culprit" of the observer effect seems to come from the detectors. aytlp qohbt ngcvkw gcwhh wjuvt jusu zdptsb fjbhx kmplop ztcdj